Monday, March 17, 2008

PubMed RSS feeds

I've heard some complaints from patrons trying to use Google Reader to set up a PubMed® RSS feed, particularly those using Mozilla Firefox®.

I’d like to suggest that you switch to the free web-based service called Bloglines® instead. I’ve used Bloglines for over a year, and I can set up PubMed RSS feeds in Firefox with no problem at all.

I much prefer Bloglines to Google Reader (which I tried for a short time). I particularly like the "Sub with Bloglines" browser toolbar link, so when you’re at a site with a feed all you have to do is click on the bookmarklet to subscribe.

For instance, if I go to MedlinePlus News® and click on my "Sub with Bloglines" bookmarklet, I’m immediately directed to my Bloglines account, with a list of available feeds for "MedlinePlus Health News" that I can subscribe to. (I never log out of Bloglines since my PC is password-protected and no one else uses it, otherwise I suppose you’d have to log in before getting to that subscription page.)

You can also do a LOT more with Bloglines, although I’ve only used it as an RSS reader so far. I'll share more with you as I experiment with its other features.

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